Three kinds of anti-rust oils for metal legs of folding chairs

Generally, when performing antirust treatment on the metal legs of folding chairs, the antirust oils commonly used by folding chair manufacturers mainly include the following three:
1. Thin-layer anti-rust oil: RPA type, GF type solvent-based thin-layer anti-rust oil, which has been productively applied by various processes of most fastener companies, and has proved to have good anti-rust performance for fastener products. At the same time, it is easy to apply, light in color, less solvent volatilization, less consumption, which is less than one-third of that of thick-layer anti-rust oil, so it saves more than two-thirds of the production cost.
2. Wax film anti-rust oil: Add some oil-soluble wax to solvent-diluted anti-rust oil or ultra-thin layer anti-rust oil to obtain a waxy anti-rust protective film, which can significantly improve the salt spray and anti-corrosion properties of the oil film. Atmospheric resistance. However, wax is solid or semi-solid at room temperature, and it is easy to precipitate in oil products, affecting the appearance and quality of oil products, and it is even difficult to obtain the ideal anti-rust effect. Therefore, looking for better oil solubility can significantly improve the anti-rust performance. The wax is the key to obtain good stability, uniform film-forming waxy anti-rust oil.
3. Water-soluble anti-rust oil: China’s anti-rust oil basically uses gasoline, kerosene or machine oil as solvents, which are products of petroleum fractionation. Because the aromatic hydrocarbons contained in petroleum cannot be extracted, gasoline , kerosene and machine oil all contain aromatic hydrocarbons, use automobile, kerosene as solvent oil, the one, its flash point is low, easy to catch fire, the 2nd, pollute the environment, harmful to people’s health.